South Bay Baby Care Nursing Services, INC
by Lisa Grossman, RN, IBCLC
Virtual Sessions
Real-time video sessions using a HIPAA compliant platform
The following sessions are offered virtually via a HIPAA compliant platform or video chat service of your choice. These 1:1 video chat sessions will provide the information that you want and need to know and will allow you to ask any personal questions you may have from the comfort and privacy of your home.
Before Baby (for more information click here)
7 - 8hour, 1:1 virtual session covering hospital stay, labor basics, labor interventions, pain management, postpartum care, lactation & breastfeeding/infant feeding, and newborn care. This virtual session can be broken down into 3 separate 2.5 - 3 hour sessions if preferred!
Prenatal Breastfeeding, Chest Feeding, Lactation & Infant Feeding Consultation
2.5 hour, 1:1 virtual prenatal consultation teaching you the most important things you need to know about lactation and infant feeding before the birth of your baby.
Newborn Care + Advanced Newborn Care (also known as "Baby Care Basics")
2.5 hour, 1:1 virtual baby care + advanced baby care session covering topics such as sleep safety, swaddling guidelines, diapering, bathing, umbilical cord care, circumcision care, infection prevention + signs/symptoms of infection, identifying fever, infant safety, legal documents, newborn tests, jaundice, medications, vaccines, AAP recommendations, and much more!
Lactation & Infant Feeding Telehealth Consultations (for more information click here)
1:1 virtual lactation & infant feeding consultation. Real-time assessment and recommendations will be provided. Virtual assistance and assessment of anatomy, breastfeeding position(s), latch and suck patterns will be provided. A detailed assessment and recommendation form will be completed following the session. For information about insurance coverage please click here.
Starting Solids
1 hour, 1:1 virtual Starting Solids consultation covering infant and/or pediatric airway obstruction interventions, prevention of airway obstruction, mild versus severe airway obstruction, tips for starting solids, suggested first foods , AAP recommendations and infant/toddler safety.
Sleep Routine Establishment & Management (for more information click here)
To schedule a Virtual Consultation, please email or call/text to (310) 650-9722. For urgent requests please text message with your name, baby's age, concern(s) and any additional pertinent information and I will respond to your message as soon as possible.
To request information about South Bay Baby Care's virtual sessions please contact Lisa via e-mail at